PENTA is a Twitch streamer who has 360K followers on Twitch, 19.6K subscribers on YouTube, and 83.6K followers on TikTok. PENTA is a streamer who primarily streams Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay with the occasional variety content.
With TikTok , I was able to achieve 217,125 views on these videos. In addition, I’ve obtained 17,264 likes from these videos. These videos had an average Like to View ratio of 7.95%. On average, each video had 14,475 views and 1,151 likes a video.
With the Youtube videos, I was able to obtain 42,830 total views with these videos. On average each video had an average of 3,570 views and 132 likes. These videos had a Like-to-View ratio of 3.7%.
However, I also made a fan channel of his clips that I also edited.
On my Youtube with only 5 months of solely posting on this account, I was able to achieve 210 Subscribers before and after working with PENTA. On this channel, it was a different story than I had with his channel. I achieved 188,600 views and 6,621 likes. I also had an Impression CTR of 6.6%
On the TikTok account that I started, I achieved 224,770 views and 6,665 likes. I gained 269 followers on this account with an engagement rate of 4.33%. The averages on these videos are 4,782 views and 142 likes.
By looking at these stats I learned a lot… When I first started the fan channel I was new(ish) to editing short-form content. However, over time I found ways to make quality edits that kept viewer retention. I also became a better editor over time, for example (using YouTube), with editing with PENTA on his main channel I achieved 42,830 views over 12 videos, however, after finishing working with PENTA I posted 3 videos and was able to get 24,223 views. This showed me that I was able to learn to make videos that would be able to gain more views, engagement, and retention.
Working with PENTA was a great opportunity for me to become a better editor by working with him and the other editors! I think this helped me out so much for being a short-form editor and would gladly do it again in the future. If I was offered I would 100% work with him again, but for now I’m open to any new opportunity for work! If interested contact me on Twitter @cavaztv